Monday, May 7, 2007

Crackpot claiming to be Jesus visits Orlando.

Have you heard about this?

First problem with this guy: reincarnation is not supported by Scripture. The entire concept of reincarnation belies the sanctity of the soul's trials and temptations and the Judgement of all who ever lived.

Second problem: his followers are tattooing themselves with the numbers "666." The mark of the beast. These people clearly do not know Scripture. Followers of Jesus would not get "666" tattooed on their bodies.

Why is it that people who have access to the Word of God, the knowledge that could prevent their being misled by such obvious charlatans, refuse to arm themselves with that knowledge? The Bible is printed in nearly every language on Earth. Anyone who can read, can get it. But they don't.

Comments are welcome, they always are, but I'd really like to know what others think of this.

My God's peace be with you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The War in Iraq, Part 2

As promised, I am here to explain why we were set up to invade Iraq based on phony intelligence.

The simple fact is the reason the evil forces of the world set up the US is that we are a Christian nation (whether the minority of non-religious like it or not) and a force for good in the world. We may not always get things right but we are a country that was founded by Christian men who were looking for a place to practice their religion without fear of recrimination. The bedrock of our society is Christian theology. All of our traditions and institutions have their basis in the Bible and the teachings of Christ.

So what's the big deal with that? Think like an evil emperor for a minute. If you're planning to set up the seat of power for Evil Incarnate on Earth, what's the first thing you do? Eliminate the opposition.

The Anti-Christ cannot rise to power as long as America is a leading force in the world. Even though our society (or at least our media) is now bogged down in immorality, symbolically we are still in the way. So Satan sets us up to lose all credibility in international politics by giving us bad information he knows we'll act on. He knows we'll act on it because of September 11, 2001 (also his work). Brilliant, isn't he? Too bad he has the end of the story backwards. God still wins.

So we're a step closer to Armageddon, and America will no longer be a world power. Personally I don't mind so much. I'm kind of hoping we won't be as embroiled in the worst of the happenings in Revelation. We can't escape entirely, after all the whole world will be fooled by the Anti-Christ, but at least we won't be leading the charge to put him into power.

If you've read my previous postings about the identities of the Beasts of Chapter 13, and you are following what's going on in Russia, you will see the synthesis between my beliefs and reality. More on that later...

Until next time, God bless you.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The War in Iraq, Part 1

I said I would cover current events, so here I tackle one of the most debated issues in America.

First I'd like to say that I don't buy that "we went to war for the oil" excuse. Not a single person who's used this line on me has been able to tell me where all that oil is that we supposedly went there to get. Iraq is an OPEC nation, so we don't have any greater access to their oil supply now than we did before. And if we did, gas prices would be much, much lower.

But I do think there were darker forces at work behind this whole thing. I now introduce the subject of the unholy trinity.

  • Which three nations provided us with the bad intelligence that got us into the war? Answer: France, Russia, and Germany.
  • Which three nations on the UN Security Council kicked up the biggest fuss before the unanimous vote approving the use of force? Answer: France, Russia, and Germany.
  • And which three nations, despite having no troops on the ground there have benefitted greatly from lucrative contracts in post-Saddam Iraq? Answer: France, Russia, and Germany.

Conclusion: we were set up. They knew after 9/11 we were not going to sit back when there was a possibility that one of our longest-standing enemies--a man who allowed Al Qaida to operate training camps in his country, offered $25,000 to the family of any suicide bomber who killed Americans or Israelis, and basically issued an open invitation to bin Laden to crash at his place any time--was developing weapons we know he would use against us, or sell to the terrorists so they could use them against us.

Tune in next week as I explain why we were set up. Until then, God bless you.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

But that's not in the Bible!

This week's subject, again a favorite of anti-Catholic argument, is the point that many things involved in the faith are not mentioned in the Bible. My first thought is: so what? Computers aren't in the Bible either, but you're on one, aren't you? But the subject deserves more consideration than that. So let's examine it (actually I mean me not us, since you're not typing).

Why would things that aren't in the Bible be part of worship? Because people like routine and traditions. The issue isn't really whether Catholic practices have a basis in scripture (and most of them do) but whether it's possible for something not mentioned in the Bible to contribute to a relationship with Jesus.

This is one of those "fine line" issues that Satan loves to play with. I am by no means an expert, but I pray for guidance each time I post. I have faith that God can work through me. You can choose to agree with me or not. Your decision. But I feel that I've been given information that should be shared in the interests of arresting division between believers, who need to stand together now more than ever.

First let's pick just one Catholic thing that's not in the Bible. Saints for example. Not that there aren't saints in the Bible (after all, the KJV has the gospels according to St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John) but arguably the Catholic Church has a lot more on their list.

Ok, is there anything wrong with designating certain people as saints? I don't think so, but I don't think only those who get canonization are saints. There's no way a system run by men will recognize all of them. It's not humanly possible. Which is why as far as eternity goes, the decision is up to God, not men. Still I don't think there's anything specifically wrong or sinful about it. And anyone who doesn't make the cut will still get a Heavenly reward anyway so it's not like they'd complain. Compared to the glories of Heaven, what is having your name on a list made by men?

What is the point of designating saints anyway? Giving people an example of others who have lived and followed Christ. Showing that there are different ways to serve. Helping to remind us that others have faced trials, and it is possible to resist temptation and live by faith.

Does it take people away from Jesus? Not if the saints have been recognized for their devotion to Christ. Only in twisting the point could it even be possible. Those who have made their lives examples of Christ's love cannot but serve as a testament to the goodness and mercy of God. The only way anyone can believe that the Catholic tradition of sainthood takes people away from Jesus is if they want to believe it.

The same way the only people who think the film The Passion of the Christ is anti-semitic were those who went into the movie believing that, and refused to consider otherwise. The evidence they saw supported the conclusions they had made before seeing it, because that is the way they wanted it. "There is none so blind as he who will not see."

Could the "sainthood" thing be used by Satan? Of course. He'll use anything. But a thourough knowledge of scripture as well as knowledge of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, can make void his efforts.

Which reminds me. Another reason the Catholic Church isn't the harlot of Revelation (hey, this is the main focus of my blog until I run through the reasons for my belief): Satan is so incredibly anti-Catholic that it's not possible. Think about it. The most evil, corrupt, and depraved portray the Church as a backward and archaic institution for the sole reason that it defends the lessons of the Holy Scriptures against the modern secular way of life. As I pointed out in my last post, Jesus said "A house divided against itself cannot stand." So why would Satan be working so hard to bring down the Church if it was his baby to begin with?

Actually many of the arguments against the Catholic Church fail to take into consideration the changes implented with Vatican II. The entire point of Vatican II was to bring the church back in line with the Scriptures because it had fallen away. Yes, there have been many mistakes made, but as Jesus said "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."

I can't say what I'll write about next week, because I don't usually plan it out in advance. I let the Holy Spirit dictate the topic. But I will, at some point be going through the book of Revelation in depth. It will take many posts, but it will be done. That's really more the point of this blog than even defending my religion. There are dangerous things going on in the world and so many people do not see it. We are moving toward Armageddon (did I spell that right?). It is not something to fear, but people should be made aware of it. The days in which more sheep can be brought into the fold grow short. It is my hope that this blog will help to spread the Good News to others who might not hear it otherwise.

May God's peace be with you.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Back to the Harlot, Part 1

Message of January 25, 2007: "Dear children! Put Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family and read it. In this way, you will come to know prayer with the heart and your thoughts will be on God. Do not forget that you are passing like a flower in a field, which is visible from afar but disappears in a moment. Little children, leave a sign of goodness and love wherever you pass and God will bless you with an abundance of His blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."

One favorite argument of anti-Catholic and anti-Marian believers is that the Marian Apparitions are actually the work of Satan. I have several reasons for disagreeing with this assessment.

The above quote is from the Blessed Mother's monthly visit to Medjugorje. Now the last thing Satan would want anyone to do is study Scripture and make it a central part of family life. Aside from the fact that family harmony is not something he likes, the more you know the Scripture the less likely you are to be fooled by his minions who misquote it. Satan knows the Scripture inside and out, and it would make his job a lot easier if no person on earth could say the same. Half-truths are some of his greatest weapons. He will use verses from Scripture, but he will always twist them. So the main point of Mary's message of January 25, 2007 is antithetical to Satan's purpose. As Jesus himself said when he was accused of working for the devil: "A house divded against itself cannot stand."

This is not an isloated point. If you go back through the transcripts of Marian Apparitions you will see that the Blessed Mother's statements are always in perfect harmony with the Holy Scriptures.

Another common lie told about the mother of our Savior, is that in the apparitions she asks people to pray to her and worship her. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only times she requests our prayers she also tells us to pray to God and/or Jesus. Not once in a single apparition has she claimed any power or privelege. Not once has she claimed to be anything other than a messenger. Her humility is well known from Scripture itself, and those who claim that the apparitions are the work of Satan have not heard or read her messages.

So where does that idea come from? Where did anyone get the notion that the apparitions might be of evil origin? If you visit Jack Chick's website you will find a great deal of information about the Babylonians and their "queen of heaven" Semiramis. This information is absolutely true. Mr. Chick mistakenly assumes that the apparitions of the Blessed Mother are merely a newer incarnation of Semiramis and an attempt to turn the faithful away from Jesus. (see the paragraph directly above for my refutation of that point)

Mr. Chick claims (though in fairness I must point out that he did not originate the idea) that the Catholic Church uses the Blessed Mother as the new Semiramis. Adherents to this idea claim that the aparitions of the Blessed Mother were planned back during the days of Babylon and are merely the continuation of Satan's attempts back then to lure followers away from true Christianity. Though in the days of Babylon Christianity did not yet exist, so at the time it would have been for the purpose of luring people away from Judaism.

I find it odd that not a single person who believes this theory of Marian Apparitions being a millenia old Satanic plot has ever thought that they might have it backwards. Why do they fail to see that Satan thought up Semiramis all those centuries ago for the exact purpose of trying to discredit the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Other than furthering division between believers and fomenting disharmony, what does the entire debate do for us? Does it change the fact that Jesus is our Savior and Satan is his rival? Does it change what will happen in the world? Does the argument give us anything but more argument? Nonbelievers don't care, it's only the faithful who are remotely interested in this subject. Why is it that so many people don't see that the entire point is to divide us from each other and keep us so busy arguing about it that Satan can do his work better and with less interference. How many people could be saved with the time and energy expended as a result of this plot to destroy Christian unity and discredit not only the mother of our Lord, but also the Catholic Church?

Mr. Chick's website also contains the words of a former Jesuit priest who has now passed on to be with Jesus. He affirmed the truth of the Semiramis theory, and said it had been told to him by a fellow Jesuit or Jesuits. I sincerely believe that this man was telling the truth. I also sincerely believe the person or persons who told him these "secrets of the Church" were lying to him. I have no trouble believing that Satan has infiltrated the Jesuits, a society of which most people know nothing, even most Catholics don't know much about the Jesuits. My mother has always said that Satan does his best work in the churches. And that's ALL churches, not just the Catholic Church.

I will close this post with Luke 1: 42-55, which begins with Elisabeth's salutation to her cousin Mary.

"And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation souded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent empty away. He hath holpen his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy; As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever."

Until I post again, may God's peace be with you.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

What's wrong with Communism, Part 2

Another fundamental problem with Communism goes along well with a quote by Aristotle. "The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal."

And what does this have to do with Communism? Communism attempts to make unequal things equal. Sharing all things equally between all people. In theory if everyone owns everything and everyone has what they need, there will be no envy, no theft, no murder. Utopia, in short.

The problem, as Aristotle knew, is that the world is not an equal or fair place. Inequality is part of the natural order of the world. It was made this way for a reason. Of course I believe that all men are created equal, and are basically the same. But it is part of life that some will prosper and some will not. Jesus said we would always have the poor with us. Why? Because poverty is part of this earthly experience. Suffering is the domain of the human world. Only in Heaven are all things equal.

This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with trying to help people in need, or fight against injustice. It doesn't mean, as at least one person has said, that you shouldn't help the poor. In fact, it's how we react and respond to the injustices of the world that show us who we really are. It's a test of our faith, our humanity, and our ability to rise above our humanity.

But the man who promises to end unfairness and injustice and inequality throughout the world will not be of God. And I believe he will use Communism for this purpose. Communism and the UN's Universal Human Rights Declaration of 1948. After all, who would suspect a man who is not coming up with any groundbreaking ideas, but merely reminding us of the words of others?

Until I write again, God bless you.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What's wrong with Communism, Part 1

Previously I mentioned that I would be addressing what is wrong with Communism. I figure now is a good time to start explaining it. I anticipate that it will take more than one post though, hence the title including the words part 1.

Ok, many people say that the problem with Communism is that it is evil. I disagree. Allow me to explain why. Communism itself is an economic system that has nothing to do with religion. It is not even anti-religion. Karl Marx, who gets the credit for Communism (funny how everyone forgets about Engels) was violently atheistic, but the Communist Manifesto is not a specific attack on religion: religion is left out of it completely; and therein lies the problem. Any time you leave God out, it opens the door for Satan. Because God is not part of Communism, it is that much easier for Satan to use the system. Without God there is no protection from evil.

Another basic problem with Communism is that it will never work. Why? Because it must be administered by men. Any time mankind is in charge of anything, there will be problems. Greed cannot be combatted in a system that does not allow for its existence. All things shared equally...not gonna happen. How many people in communist countries starved to death while their leaders sipped champagne?

Now I'm one of many who know that Lenin, Stalin, and the like were not using true Communism. True Communism is a pacifist system, it was never meant to be violent. And you can be sure the Anti-Christ knows this and will point it out when he revives Communism, or supports its revival. He will also emphasize that religion is entirely seperate, and therefore (supposedly) not impacted by it. Truth can be a dangerous weapon, especially incomplete truth, which will be the Anti-Christ's chief method of manipulation.

Until the next time I post, may God keep you safe and bless you in your daily struggles.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

About what is Mr. Chick wrong?

There is one basic point on which I think Jack Chick is wrong, but there are subpoints as well. And some of the tactics/materials that are being distributed by his organization are objectionable.

Basic point: The Catholic Church is not the harlot of Revelation.

Mr. Chick thinks otherwise, not without some reason, and he's not the only one, but I believe that assumption is wrong and I intend to prove it. You don't have to be Catholic to see what's wrong with the logic behind the conclusion.

Before I can argue that point, I have to back up a bit. Forgive me if I fail to go in order with regards to the chapters in Revelation. I will be posting as things come to me.

In order to know the indentity of the harlot, one must first identify the beast on whose back she rides. The first beast of revelation, contrary to popular belief, is not the Anti-Christ. Now for the scripture quoting. I will be using King James version.

Rev 13:1 -- And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Ok, what rises up out of the sea? Land! Land comes up out of the sea. This opening passage of chapter 13 refers to an empire, not a man.

To contrast I give you Rev 13:11 --And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

And what is made of earth? Man. That's right. Go back to Genesis. Adam was made of earth. This verse tells us of the Anti-Christ. It tells us he will have the appearance of a lamb (lamb equating Jesus) but the speech of a dragon. He will appear to be a savior to the world, while in reality he is evil incarnate; a truly false prophet. This man will seem everything that is decent and good. Do not forget the identity of the angel of light. And do not forget the words of Jesus in Luke 6:26 --Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers unto the false prophets.

Now, getting back to the first beast... Rev 13:2-5 -- And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Now is it just me or is this talking about Communism in general and Russia in specific? The leopard I would say refers to the swiftness with which Communism spread after the Russian Revolution. The lion I think refers to the fierceness of the various regimes. Feet of a bear. Everybody get out your globes, maps and/or atlases. Find Russia. Turn it 90 degrees to the right. Now those peninsulas down by the Koreas look rather like the feet of a bear. Also the bear has long been a symbol of Russia.

As to the deadly wound, everyone thinks (or has thought) that Communism is dead. Well won't some people be surprised when it comes roaring back (there's that lion again) seemingly overnight? My grandfather once read a pamphlet put out by the Communist party that said part of their plan for world domination was to go underground, pretending to be "dead" for a time and then come back when the world least expected it.

Now, if Communism or Communist Russia is the first beast, the Catholic Church cannot be the harlot. The Catholic Church will not align with Communism at any point. Some day I will explain what is wrong with Communism, but not today. I believe I've said all the Lord wishes me to say for now.

May God's peace be with you and give you strength to face the challenges ahead.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hi. Welcome to my new blog. You might be wondering what the heck that blog name means. Well I'll explain. Jack Chick is a purveyor of religious information. I happen to disagree with him on a number of issues. I don't know the man, and I have nothing personal against him or his organization, I just think he's wrong. In this blog I will explain my reasons for thinking that he's wrong.

Rules for participation: if you wish to participate on my blog you must be respectful. Honest disagreement is fine. Discussion is good. Bashing is not allowed, and that includes bashing of Mr. Chick. Also no bashing of any religion, Christian or otherwise. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome, provided they behave respectfully.

Most of the posts on my blog will pertain to the book of Revelation as it relates to the modern world, with some history thrown in as well. While covering religion in general, I will be dealing mostly with Christianity because I am Christian. All faiths and points of view are welcome to my blog.

I will try to post regularly. If not every week, then every other week. I will be addressing some contentious issues. Including controversy regarding the Catholic Church throughout history.

I will begin with a quote by Rev. Billy Graham: "Our faith is not dependant upon human knowledge and scientific advance, but upon the unmistakeable message of the Word of God."