Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The War in Iraq, Part 2

As promised, I am here to explain why we were set up to invade Iraq based on phony intelligence.

The simple fact is the reason the evil forces of the world set up the US is that we are a Christian nation (whether the minority of non-religious like it or not) and a force for good in the world. We may not always get things right but we are a country that was founded by Christian men who were looking for a place to practice their religion without fear of recrimination. The bedrock of our society is Christian theology. All of our traditions and institutions have their basis in the Bible and the teachings of Christ.

So what's the big deal with that? Think like an evil emperor for a minute. If you're planning to set up the seat of power for Evil Incarnate on Earth, what's the first thing you do? Eliminate the opposition.

The Anti-Christ cannot rise to power as long as America is a leading force in the world. Even though our society (or at least our media) is now bogged down in immorality, symbolically we are still in the way. So Satan sets us up to lose all credibility in international politics by giving us bad information he knows we'll act on. He knows we'll act on it because of September 11, 2001 (also his work). Brilliant, isn't he? Too bad he has the end of the story backwards. God still wins.

So we're a step closer to Armageddon, and America will no longer be a world power. Personally I don't mind so much. I'm kind of hoping we won't be as embroiled in the worst of the happenings in Revelation. We can't escape entirely, after all the whole world will be fooled by the Anti-Christ, but at least we won't be leading the charge to put him into power.

If you've read my previous postings about the identities of the Beasts of Chapter 13, and you are following what's going on in Russia, you will see the synthesis between my beliefs and reality. More on that later...

Until next time, God bless you.

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