Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hi. Welcome to my new blog. You might be wondering what the heck that blog name means. Well I'll explain. Jack Chick is a purveyor of religious information. I happen to disagree with him on a number of issues. I don't know the man, and I have nothing personal against him or his organization, I just think he's wrong. In this blog I will explain my reasons for thinking that he's wrong.

Rules for participation: if you wish to participate on my blog you must be respectful. Honest disagreement is fine. Discussion is good. Bashing is not allowed, and that includes bashing of Mr. Chick. Also no bashing of any religion, Christian or otherwise. Atheists and agnostics are also welcome, provided they behave respectfully.

Most of the posts on my blog will pertain to the book of Revelation as it relates to the modern world, with some history thrown in as well. While covering religion in general, I will be dealing mostly with Christianity because I am Christian. All faiths and points of view are welcome to my blog.

I will try to post regularly. If not every week, then every other week. I will be addressing some contentious issues. Including controversy regarding the Catholic Church throughout history.

I will begin with a quote by Rev. Billy Graham: "Our faith is not dependant upon human knowledge and scientific advance, but upon the unmistakeable message of the Word of God."

1 comment:

Jes said...

Hello. This is an interesting blog. I promise to be respectful.